9 Things Diastasis Recti Has Taught Me About Life

You can have a 6-pack and a weak core. You can lift 200 pounds and have a weak core. You can look ripped from the outside and be ripped on the inside.

A strong core does more than make you look aesthetically pleasing in a bikini. It successfully manages and transfers load so that load isn’t damaging to your body.

10 Tips to Fight Postpartum Depression

I remember standing there looking out at it and imagining my own funeral. I wondered what people would say. I wondered if they would judge me for ending it. I thought about how easy it would be to take a few steps forward and allow my body to crash through the full length second story window bringing my misery to an end. I thought maybe that way it would look like an accident. Maybe they would never have to know how truly sad I was. …

Delivering Asher

I woke up at 4 a.m. after having 3 contractions. They weren’t very painful but were more significant than the Braxton Hicks contractions I’d been having for weeks, and were uncomfortable enough that I couldn’t remain laying in bed as they were happening. As I got up I felt a significant change in the amount…

Fat Shaming is Not Fitspiration

I’m getting pretty sick of the fat shaming; negative body image endorsing posts by those in fitness masquerading as concern. Today, I read a post shared by Cassie Young regarding a fitness trainer reaching out to her via Twitter, after she announced her engagement, to offer his services to help her lose weight for her big day….

How are Fit Bodies Supposed to Manifest?

Remember that fitness model that had six pack abs at 6 months pregnant? Yeah, that’s definitely not me!  Lately I’ve been growing tired of the old “if I can do it then you can do it too” narrative. Truth is, just because they can do it, it doesn’t mean that you can do it too….

Why No Excuses is Ruining Women’s Bodies

In the 5 years between leaving university and having my first child I lived a pretty sedentary lifestyle. In February 2011 I had my first child, and in January 2013 I had my second child. After having my second child I noticed my belly remained distended postpartum. I had always been naturally skinny, and never…

Can the Fascia Blaster “fix” Diastasis Recti?

Over the last several months I’ve been receiving lots of questions regarding whether I used the Fascia Blaster to heal my diastasis recti, and if I recommend it as a tool to fix the condition. Ashley Black Guru has been promoting on social media how her tool, the Fascia Blaster, can be used to fix…

Less Wonder Woman more wondering woman

I’ve always related more to Olive Oyl than I did to Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman had it together. She knew who she was, what she wanted and how to get it. Olive Oyl was a bit of a hot mess. She was cowardly, weak, whiny, and was always getting herself into bad situations which needed someone else to rescue her. She was pretty helpless.

The Power of Brokenness

A series of blogs for the broken… There was a time I thought a miscarriage was the worst thing that could happen to me. I prayed it would never happen because I couldn’t imagine how I would ever be able to deal with something like that. I knew it would break me. Then last year,…